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Data protection


Ursul SARL, with a capital of 356,000 euros, whose registered office is located at 84 bis rue du faubourg Saint Martin, 75010, Paris, France, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number RCS 485 138 424.

User: any natural person, with or without an Ursul account, using the site or one of the services offered on it.

Website: the website accessible on computer, mobile phone or digital tablet.

Ursul collects personal data on any User browsing, consulting and ordering on our Site, including the use of cookies in accordance with the legislation in force.

This data collection is done when the User:

  • create an account,
  • subscribe to newsletters or alerts proposed by Ursul,
  • place an order on the site,
  • puts products in his shopping cart,
  • through functional cookies (see paragraph "Cookies"), to enable him to finalize his purchase later
  • contact the Customer Service of Ursul by any means of communication made available such as email, instant messaging (Chat), etc.,
  • participate in a promotional game or a contest,
  • browses the Site and consults articles,
  • write a comment or an opinion on a blog post,
  • share a review with a friend by sending an email from an article master,
  • share a review via Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest from an article card,
  • completes an information entry form or questionnaire on the Site

The data collected is necessary for the following treatments:

  • Management and monitoring of business relations between Ursul and the customer (including transactions relating to orders, deliveries and returns, transactions, payments and invoices, claims, etc.).
  • Sending of commercial prospection (see paragraph "Newsletters")
  • Personalization of the contents of the Site, display of advertisements targeted especially on social networks.
  • Sharing information with our business partners
  • Providing share buttons to social networks
  • Setting up promotional games
  • Realization of audience measurement statistics and marketing studies
  • Prevention and fight against fraud when paying the order
  • Setting up the community chat
  • Account Creation, Forms and Questionnaires

The User must fill in all the fields of the account creation form or any information entry form on the Site with the exception of the fields displayed as optional, that is to say, not indicated by an asterisk.

The optional information is collected by Ursul and allows to better know the Users of the Site. All information marked with an asterisk is required. The User must answer them. Any failure to answer will result in no account creation or non-validation of the information entry form. Ursul will not respond to requests from the User.


The data collected is intended for the use of Ursul.

The data may be transmitted to commercial and advertising partners, credit institutions, the TrustedShops advisory service, and police services in the context of legal requisitions.

The data may also be processed by subcontractors whom Ursul uses in the context of the personalization of the contents of the Site, the dispatching of orders, the recovery of debts, the prevention and the fight against fraud, the provision of the community chat.


The User is informed that this automated processing of personal data has been declared to the CNIL under the number 1720306.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, the User has a right to access, rectify and delete data concerning him. The user may expressly object to the processing of his personal data. For that, it is enough for him to write a mail with URSUL SARL, Legal Service, 184 Bis street of the faubourg Saint Martin 75010 Paris or fill the form of contact on line, indicating like object of the message "Right of access, rectification or opposition to the processing of my data ".

The User indicates his surname, first name and postal address. His application must be signed and accompanied by a valid piece of identification bearing his signature. The User can specify the address to which the answer must be sent.

rsul has a period of 2 months from receipt of the request of the User to respond. At the end of this period, the Customer will be able to seize the CNIL in case of a negative answer or absence of answer from Ursul.


Ursul informs the User that his personal data may be transmitted to providers located in the United States and Canada as part of the optimization of its advertising campaigns and the hosting of its website. These service providers act in accordance with the European provisions on the protection of personal data of the "Privacy Shield" agreement.

Ursul can transfer the data related to the business relationship activities with the customer.


Ursul retains the data for a period of five years from the end of the relationship with the customer or prospect. The time starts from either the last order, last login to the customer account, or the last call to customer service, or sending an email to customer service, or a click on a hyperlink an email sent by Ursul, or the placing of products in the cart without making the purchase, or finally a positive response to an email asking if the customer wishes to continue to receive commercial prospecting at the end of the five years.

At the end of this period, the data of the customer or prospect will be anonymised. Nevertheless, the information allowing to establish the proof of a right or a contract, or kept for the respect of a legal obligation can be archived in accordance with the legal provisions in force.


Ursul informs the User that he may define, during his lifetime, guidelines for the storage, erasure and communication of his personal data after his death. These guidelines can be general or specific. The User may change or revoke his instructions at any time. To do this, the User can URSUL SARL, Legal Service, 184 Bis rue Faubourg Saint Martin 75010 Paris or use the online contact form indicating as the subject of his message "The fate of my data after my death."


During the creation of his account and later in the management of his preferences via the "My Account" section, the User can subscribe to the Ursul newsletter and thus choose to be informed at regular intervals of the offers on the website. Site.

It has the possibility at any time to modulate the information it wishes to receive or to unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose located at the bottom of each of the newsletters. This link is also available on the Site in the "My Account" section.

The Identified User who has chosen one or more services offered by the Site is also subscribed to the newsletter. It has the possibility at any time to modulate the information it wishes to receive or to unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose located at the bottom of each of the newsletters. This link is also available on Site in the "My Account" section.

As an exception to the foregoing and in accordance with Article L 34-5 of the Post and Electronic Communications Code, Ursul may send commercial prospection electronically to the User who has not given his prior consent since that the User is already an Ursul customer, that he has not objected to receiving commercial prospecting when creating his account and that the prospecting concerns products or services similar to those already provided by Ursul.

It has the opportunity at any time to unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in each newsletter or on the Site in the "My Account" section.


The customer's postal address and telephone number are necessary for the processing and management of orders as well as the commercial relations between Ursul and the customer. Ursul uses this personal data for commercial prospecting purposes.

At any time, the customer has the opportunity to oppose the simple and free on the Site in the "My Account" or by mail to the following address: URSUL SARL, Legal Department, 184 Bis rue du Faubourg Saint Martin 75010 Paris.

Users who do not wish to be prospected by telephone are informed that they have the right to oppose telephone canvassing by entering their landline and / or mobile phone numbers on the free opposition list. accessible via the site

The user is informed that the effective taking into account of his request is done within 30 days as from the confirmation of his inscription. This inscription is valid for a period of 3 years.


Ursul can use the customer's mobile phone number for order management and can also use it for commercial prospecting purposes. At any time the customer has the opportunity to oppose the simple and free on the Site in the "My Account" or by mail to the following address: URSUL SARL, Legal Department, 184 Bis rue du Faubourg Saint Martin 75010 Paris.


The Identified User can subscribe to the alerts proposed by Ursul. He may at any time unsubscribe alerts he has subscribed in the "My Account".


This service allows the customer to post a notice on the Site for a purchased product and to share his experience. Published notices are publicly available and available on the Site at any time. The customer authorizes Ursul to publish and communicate on the Site his opinion on the product. The notice must not constitute a defamatory, abusive, criminal, vulgar, slanderous message to third parties, natural or legal persons, racist, inciting discrimination, undermining the honor / reputation of others , violent or pornographic, and more generally, not in accordance with the legislation in force.

As such, Ursul reserves the right to delete any notice that does not comply with the provisions mentioned above.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 amended by the law of August 6, 2004, you have with Ursul, a right of access, rectification and opposition data concerning you which Ursul is recipient.


Cookie definition
A cookie is a small text file that is placed or stored on your device (computer, digital tablet or mobile device) when you visit a website. The cookie allows a site to recognize you, to help you navigate from page to page on a website, provides secure connections and remembers your preferences on your next visits.

Ursul uses the use of cookies to recognize the User (customer or not) when connecting to the Site.

Ursul also uses the "Localstorage" browser which has the same operating principle as cookies. The delete cookies action also removes the "Localstorage" from the browser.

Deleting cookies

The User may at any time disable the cookies stored on his terminal. To do this, simply select the appropriate settings in his browser (eg Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.). However, this deactivation will prevent access to certain features of the Site to customize the services offered by Ursul.

Ursul also provides Site Users with a module allowing them to oppose cookies posted on the Site.

To do this, the User can go to the "My Account" section and click on the "Revoke my consent to cookies" button. This will have the effect of immediately removing all cookies deposited by Ursul, with the exception of those related to the current navigation on the Site.

The different types of cookies used

The strictly necessary cookies: these cookies allow you to browse the Site and are essential for the proper functioning of the Site. Disabling them will cause difficulties in the use of the Site and will prevent access to certain features.

Functional cookies: these cookies allow you to remember your preferences, your choices in order to personalize your experience on the Site. Performance cookies and statistics: These cookies collect information on how Users use the Site (number of visits, number of pages viewed, visitor activity) via Google Analytics and Facebook analysis tools. These cookies also allow us to identify and resolve problems of operation of the Site and to improve it.
Advertising cookies: these cookies record information to send you personalized advertising tailored to your interests. They also help us to count the activity of our advertising space, to measure the audience, etc ...). For example, cookies related to operations relating to targeted advertising, social network plotters generated by social sharing buttons such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Google +, Instagram (Social Plugins).
Partner cookies: These cookies placed on the terminal by partner companies identify the items consulted or purchased on the Site and collect browsing data to personalize the advertising offer that is sent to the User outside the Site. As part of this type of partnership,

Ursul may be required to provide the partner with data concerning the items consulted by the User when browsing the site and the nature of his purchases.

The User may refuse these cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate parameters in his browser. This refusal will result in preventing access to certain features offered by the partner companies of Ursul

The social networks buttons: Ursul provides Internet users with sharing buttons such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ (see the "Social Network Plugins" section below).

The management of cookies

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to change your wishes for cookies.

Disabling cookies via the main browsers:

Internet explorer

1) In the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options" 2) Click on the "Privacy" tab 3) Click on the "Advanced" button to bring up the "Advanced Privacy Settings" window. 4) Then tick the box "Ignore the automatic management of cookies", then select "Deny" and save your preferences by clicking "OK".

Mozilla Firefox

1) In the menu at the top of the page click on "Tools", then "Options" 2) Select the tab "Privacy" 3) Set the menu "Retention rules", click on "use the customized settings for l 4) Uncheck the box "accept third-party cookies" and save your preferences by clicking on "OK". Google


1) In the menu, click "Settings" and then "Show Advanced Settings" 2) Select the "Privacy" tab and then the "Content Settings" menu. 3) Tick the box "Block cookies and data from third party sites" and save your preferences by clicking on "OK".


1) In the menu at the top of the page, click on "Safari", then "Preferences" 2) Click on the tab "Privacy" 3) Uncheck the box "Accept cookies" and save your preferences.

You can also connect to the site Youronlinechoices, proposed by the digital advertising professionals grouped within the European association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France. This European platform is shared by hundreds of advertising professionals on the Internet and is a centralized interface allowing you to express your refusal or your acceptance of cookies that can be used to adapt to the navigation of your terminal. advertisements likely to be posted there:

Ursul informs the User that this procedure will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites that you visit. It will only block technologies that allow you to tailor ads to your interests.


Ursul uses web beacons on certain pages of the Site which allow counting the number of visitors to the page. These web beacons can be used with some of our commercial partners, especially to measure and improve the effectiveness of certain advertisements. The information collected via these web beacons are anonymous and allow to know the frequentation of certain pages of the Site, in order to better assist the Users of the Site.


The Site uses social network plugins such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ (hereinafter "Social Networks"). For example, if the User is logged into Facebook while browsing the Site, Facebook may directly link his visit to his Facebook user account even if the User has not used the share button. If the user interacts with the plugins, for example by clicking on the "Like" button or leaving a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted and saved on a Facebook server. They will be published on the Facebook account of the User.

Ursul does not manage the data collected by Social Networks via the buttons. The User must be aware of the policy on the protection of personal data published by the Social Networks concerned, in order to know how to process and use the data collected by them as well as the possibilities of settings it has to protect his privacy.

If the User does not want the Social Network to link the information collected through Ursul to his Social Network user account, he must sign out of the Social Network before visiting the Site.


Ursul implements all technical means in accordance with the rules of the art to maintain the integrity, security, confidentiality of data and in particular prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or unauthorized third parties having access to them.

When placing the order, no bank data is collected or stored by Ursul.

Ursul uses the services of certified and secure providers such as Paypal and 2checkout to ensure the security of payments. Prevention and fight against fraud The data collected is also used in the context of the prevention and fight against fraud including credit card.

Ursul reserves the right to verify the personal data provided by the customer during the passage of the order and to adopt all measures deemed necessary for the verification that the person whose bank account is debited is the one who has passed the order, in order to avoid fraudulent payment. This verification may take the form of a request for proof of identity and / or domicile. In the absence of a negative response from the customer, Ursul reserves the right to cancel the order placed by the customer.