Legal Notice
The Ursul brand is developing a line of jewelery and fashion accessories (Bracelets, belts, bags, rings, necklaces, long necklaces, silver pendants).
Ursul Paris and Ursul are trademarks belonging to Ursul SARL.
The website is the property of Ursul SARL registered in the commercial register under number 485 138 424 RCS PARIS.
The site is the site that distributes the Ursul PARIS brand on the internet.
Head office: 184bis rue du faubourg Saint-Martin - 75010 PARIS - France
Photo credit: Mélanie Bahuon
Corporate name: URSUL SARL
Brands: Ursul
Legal status and share capital: Sarl with capital of €356,000
Name and surname of manager: Alexis THERY
Headquarters: 184bis rue du faubourg Saint-Martin
Postal code: 75010
City: Paris
Country: France
Telephone: +33 (0)1 42 39 90 09
Opening hours: 10am-6pm
Intra-community VAT: FR27485138424
Siret: 485 138 424 00042
APE/NAF code : 4649Z