Discover our product in the magasine l'amateur de cigaresSEPTEMBER 2015
Discover the brown leather bracelet for menin the magazine L'amateur de cigars September 2015.
Ursul men's jewelry in the essential addresses of
The leather and gold "Uraeus" bracelet in VERSION FEMINA magazineJUNE 2 0 1 7
Women's leather bangle bracelet URAEUS 8 in Femina version.
The "REVERSE" women's bangle in MONTRES MAGAZINEJUNENE 2 0 1 7 Discover the Reverse women's bangle in the Watches Magazine of...
The VIP leather bracelet in INFRAROUGE magazineJ U NE 2 0 1 7 Discover the VIP black men's braceletin the June...
Ursul Men's leather bracelets in WHERE MagazineMARCH 2017 Discover the mens silver black bangle bracelet, the brown leather bracelet and the...
URSUL @ VERSION FEMINA2016 SEPTEMBER Discover the Black leather cuff EMBRACE 26 for women in the September 2016...
URSUL @ VERSION FEMINAS E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 Discover...
The "U-TURN" women's leather bracelet in VOICI magazineSEPTEMBER 2016 Discover the Camel leather bracelet U-TURN TRIPLE" leather bracelet for women in the...
The Ursul headlines in L'OFFICIEL in Singapore.S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 Discover the...
Women's gold bangle SATURN in VERSION FEMINA2016 AUGUST Discover the "SATURNE 9" gold vermeil cuff In the 2016 August / September...
The "EMBRACE" women's bangle in FEMME ACTUELLE magazineJUNE 2016 Discover the "EMBRACE 6" women silver bangle in the 2016 June / July...
URSUL headlines in Modes et TRAVAUX magazine.JUNE 2016 Discover the "EMBRACE 39" women silver cuff in the 2016 June Modes &...
URSUL @ VERSION FEMINA2 0 1 6 M A Y Discover the "SPARTIATE" camel leather cuff in the...
The "EMBRACE" headlines in FEMME ACTUELLE magazine
APRIL 2016
Discover our
women cuff in the 2016 April Femmes Actuelles magazine.
Ursul men's bracelets in L'OFFICIEL men in Singapore.APRIL 2016 Discover the "U-TURN TWICE" Men's leather bracelet, the "SATURNE 5" bangle and the"SPARTIATE...
The EMBRACE headline in MUJER HOY magazine2 0 1 6 M A R C H Discover the "EMBRACE 39" women silver...
Interview of the creator of the Ursul brand on BFM - "TASTE OF LUXURY"
2 0 1 5 O C T O B E R
Ursul men's jewelry in the LIBERATION NEXT newspaper
2 0 1 5 O C T O B E R
The "Spartiate" Camel cuff in FEMME ACTUELLE magazine2 0 1 5 S E P T E M B E R Discover the "SPARTIATE"...
Ursul unisex jewelry in IN MAGAZINE magazine
S P R I N G S U M M E R 2 0 1 5
Ursul men's jewelry in L'EQUIPE SPORT & STYLE magazine2 0 1 5 A P R I L
The "Embrace" women's cuff in BE MAGAZINE magazine2 0 1 5 J A N U A R Y